Thursday 24 November 2011

Nobody is perfect - labelling social behaviors

I have to hand it to the person who created this list. (read below in blue first) I wonder how many friends he alienated. In all honesty, we each have our own personalities and way of using facebook, and even twitter. We might not like it, but it is an open, social network. We're there to be socialable.

1: Saying that, I don't like Lurkers and I delete these because they simply have no idea about being social.
2: There's nothing wrong with hyenas, sometimes life is funny!
3: I have no ego about popularity, although I could never cope with having any more "friends" than I do already.
4: I really don't mind those people who play games, just as long as I don't have to know about it.
5: I don't have an experience with the prophet, but even if they did, it's not doing any harm.
6: Thief: well, it's not intellectual property, it's just word of mouth and should be welcomed and encouraged.
7: Cynics attract cynics.
8: Collecting everything is not something I have to worry about.
9: I promote, definately guilty of that, but I no longer tag and wouldn't bother anybody. Facebook is too inconsistant for that at my level. You have to be celebrated before it can truely work the way you want it (RE: Aston Kutcher does fine by this)
10: Liker, well, what's not to like about likers?
11: Hate is nothing to me.
12: Anti-proofreading... I try to note when I make mistakes because I don't want people to think I'm a bad writer. I'm not, just sometimes I type with my iPhone. It ducks! I do happen to be an auto-corrector and a huge misreader of posts. It's never fun to point out mistakes. I got retreeted with a spelling error the other day and I felt terrible! "gave" instead of "have" <--- can often get in the way of a good joke.
13: Oh Woe is me, and my life is awesome: drama kings and queens are just enthusiastic about their life and demonstrate it in a very forward manner. I'm in no way balanced. Some days can be dramatic, other days.. well not so much.
14: Womp Womp people? really, is that the way to think of people who are simply diverse about their sense of humour? Not everything we laugh at has to be funny to everybody... although commenting a running commentary about the thoughts of a toddler throughout 100 photo album pictures is a little "not funny" to read after a while. Caption makers can sometimes be a little sad, but we're all guilty of it some time in our FB life.
15;Okay, the newsies... well I must admit I try not to ever say "ahh, nice cup of tea!" or give mundane details about my day. I try to avoid cliches, but sometimes life is like that. We're not always in an entertaining mood, and in which case, I stay away from making a status. We can't all strive to be interesting all of the time. But what does it matter. You get more from FB posts than you get from most newspapers anyway. Twitter especially has a lot going for it in terms of news and current events. Some people however do get the idea that they are popular enough to "Aston Kutcher" their way through their day... but that's just emulation and promotes self worth. Really, does it matter?
16: And finally, the rooster? Well I really don't see why that's such a bad thing. We are sharing this social network with the world, and sometimes, it's good to know geographically when morning is. It is also a nice ice breaker.

The one thing we seem to do in life is "label" things. People often appear to be placeable in their own categories however, and we shouldn't let the list below be a part of our reasoning for dealing with individuals.

Nobody is perfect.

------------------------------------- FACEBOOK LIST OF LABELS

‎1) The "Lurker" - Never posts anything or comments on your post, but reads everything, and might make reference to your status if they see you in public.

2) The "Hyena" - Doesn't ever really say anything, just LOLs and LMAOs at everything ...
... ... ...
3) "Mr/Ms Popular" - Has 4367 friends for no reason.

4) The "Gamer" - Plays Words With Friends, Mafia Wars, Bakes virtual... cakes and shit, etc., ALL DAY.

5)The "Prophet" - Every post makes reference to God or Jesus.

6) The "Thief" - Steals status updates... and will probably steal this one.

7) The "Cynic" - Hates their life, and everything in it, as evidenced by the somber tone in ALL of their status updates.

8) The "Collector" - Never posts anything either, but joins every group, and becomes fans of the most random shit.

9) The "Promoter" - Always sends event invitations to things that you ultimately delete or ignore.

10) The "Liker" - Never actually says anything, buy always clicks the "like" button.

11) The "Hatee" - Every post revolves around someone hating on them, and they swear people are trying to ruin their life.

12) The "Anti-Proofreader" - This person would benefit greatly from Spellcheck, and sometimes you feel bad for them because you don't know if they were typing fast, or really cant spell.

13) The "Drama Queen/King" - This person always posts stuff like "I can't believe this!", or "They gonna make me snap today!", in the hopes that you will ask what happened, or what's wrong...but then they never finish telling the story.

14) The "Womp Womp" - This person consistently tries to be funny...but never is.

15) The "News" - Always updates you on what they are doing and who they are doing it with, no matter how arbitrary And lastly...

16) The "Rooster" - Feels that it is their job to tell Facebook "Good Morning"

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